Monday, September 11, 2006

New Books: Awesome!

I just got a few new books for my birthday! Here they are:

Stand Against The Wind by Erwin McManus

Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem (this one is about 1290 pages)

I am so excited to read the lastest McManus book and I can't wait to get my nose into some Grudem Theology. This should keep me busy for a while.

Also! I have been reading Rob Bell's book Velvet Elvis. This is a tough one for me. I read the whole thing and I agreed with a lot of it staight up. But some of it I wasn't sure about, so I decided to take a deeper look into what he was saying. Thus, I am now reading the book again, but this time I am reading all the endnotes and checking all of his references and discussing the book with a few close friends and mentors. It is a great book and I'd recommend it to everyone. But, you need to read it carefully. Absorb what he is saying and internalize it. Discuss, question, disagree, agree, whatever. It's a great book.

Happy reading!

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