Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Colson, Boyd, Claiborne

An election year special, here is a fabulous discussion between Chuck Colson, Greg Boyd, and Shane Claiborne concerning the role Christians should play in politics and government.

Chuck Colson was a part of the Nixon Administration and was imprisoned for his involvement in Watergate. After turning to Christ, he founded Prison Fellowship which ministers to prisoners. He has also authored many books on Christianity and politics.

Greg Boyd is the founding pastor of Woodland Hills Church in St. Paul, MN (yeah baby!). He is the author of the book Myth of a Christian Nation.

Shane Claiborne is a founding partner of a community called The Simple Way in Philadelphia, PA. He has recently come out with a book called Jesus for President.

Please check out THIS link to see a video of the discussion.

Chuck Colson

Greg Boyd

Shane Claiborne

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Death Cab

I know this video has already gotten around, and Jon Havens has posted it on his blog. But I can't help but post it here.

Death Cab for Cutie - I will Possess Your Heart

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Moving, puppy, and reCRE8

I'm ashamed to say that I haven't posted on this blog for over a month! There has been so much going on, I hope to put some more stuff on here soon. Here's what's happening:

-Sarah and I moved out of our apartment and into a house. We spent most of my spring break packing and moving into this house which we are staying at for the next year while the owners are on a missions trip to Turkey. They have graciously asked Sarah and I to stay at their place while they are gone and we are so grateful for this blessing. It's not that we are living in a house. I'm actually not that excited about living in a house because of the yardwork, upkeep, and the fact that it is too big for just 2 people. But, our living expenses are significantly less and we are thankful for that. Plus, now we have a party pad!

-Since we moved into a new house, we decided to get a dog! We adopted a lab/border collie mix from the Humaine Society of Silicon Valley and she is amazing. Her name is Rory and she is 9 months old.

-Another amazing thing that is happening: reCRE8. Our college group at Hillside is no longer doing a regular "church service" style group. We are not doing a set of music, 30 min lesson, and then go home. We are spending time in prayer, then getting together in action groups that are focused on specific topics such as environment/sustainability, community connectedness, arts/culture, and social justice. The idea is that the college students will go to the main service to get their teaching/music, then we put our faith to action in small groups every Sunday morning. This is a little revolution of sorts in terms of "Sunday School". We want to inspire action and put our faith into practice.