Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wasting Time

I've been thinking. There are so many people now-a-days that are arguing about Church, theology, and such. There are conflicting styles, different ideas, unique preferences, and weird issues that cause all kinds of drama in the Church. There are so many people that fight over things that are just a waste of time.

Ok, some of these issues need to be adressed because the church needs to continue to change and evolve to be impactful. But some of these problems are getting in the way of what is really important. Here's my rant:

There is so much hurt in the world and so many people that need Jesus. How can we be consumed in arguements about our style preference? There is so much good to be done and so many people to love in this world that I can't stand spending so much time being engulfed in self-absorbed arguements.

I believe that we need to concentrate on living out what we believe. Too many people spend their precious time and energy trying to prove themselves right when there are people in need. It's time to act. We are so blessed and we have so much stuff. This world is in pain and I want to love everyone in it. Let's exercise out faith, rather than become obese Christians.