Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Big Basin, School, and headaches...

I've got a lot to say.

First, I was able to go camping with a bunch of kids from the Farm Drive Center last weekend. We went to Big Basin in the Santa Cruz mountains and it was so much fun. The only bad part was the three smelly boys I had in my tent. They are great kids, but they stink! The same three guys are going to be in my kidtrek group this year at the Center. I'm going to tutor them and hang out with them two days a week. Some of the kids were asking great spiritual questions and we were able to connect with them in a unique way.

Second, I started school a couple weeks ago and I forgot how much I don't like it. I thought my classes were going to be good, but most of them have turned out to be lame. I think it is the professors. They don't teach well and they don't go deep into the topics. I also dislike homework very much. It always seems to get in the way to other things I want to do.

Third, I've had a headache for almost 3 days now. I was sick with a cold from Thursday to now, but all the stress of school and work and Men's Retreat and life have given me a constant headache. I'm keeping up with things, but its definitely difficult.

Lastly, I am going to have a meeting with our new pastor soon. I'm excited to get to talk to him about some of my dreams for Hillside. He seems interested in having me be more involved. Yeah!

By the way, here's some pictures from the Big Basin Camping Trip:

Thanks Patty, great pictures!


robbie said...

Hey, I'll take stinkage over cleaning up kid vomit any day.

p.s. I am gonna go make a wikipedia article for the word stinkage right now.

Brent Kompelien said...

Don't worry, I love those smelly kids.

And be careful what you put on Wikipedia; some dumb college student will use it in an essay.

Anonymous said...

hey i like your pics and i posted some more hahaha i got lazy ill start posting more often?!