Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Heart Ache

My heart aches right now.

I feel like there is a huge tension created by untapped potential. I could do more, my church could do more, the world could do more. I am convinced that our generation is capable of solving global issues and creating so much positive change. We are in a position that previous generations could only dream of in terms of transportation, communication, and resources to solves global problems.

The reason why my heart aches is that I want this potential to be realized. All these thoughts motivate me to be ambitious and influence people to being acting on these ideas. I believe the Holy Spirit is poised and ready to empower us to do great things in the name of Jesus Christ! Let's get to it.

1 comment:

Toph said...

It's really amazing to think of how much we've progressed technologically, and yet the basic problems that stem from our separation from God are still not solved in many areas. I think it's important for us to be practical and concrete about meeting these needs. And of course, none of this will happen unless it is done by the Holy Spirit through us.