Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Coming together

Things are coming together. I had a meeting with a church planter named Dave Gschwend today and its amazing to see how things connect.

I've been pondering some ideas about community, church structure, and unrealized potential in the Christian community. Dave used to be a pastor here in San Jose and in Santa Cruz, but now he is planting house churches in San Jose, Santa Cruz, and Monterey. The ideas he shared about authentic community, organic relationships, and real life transformation are the same ideas I have been struggling with for weeks now. It was amazing to see the ways God is moving in Dave's church planting endeavors.

Last week, I attended a luncheon for CityTeam International's church planting ministries. There were church planters from every continent (except Antartica) and their stories were amazing. For example, a group of 200 people who were given simple training planted 40,000 churches in a matter of years. It comes down to obedience and multiplicaton. These people plant house churches.

I was talking to Dave about this CityTeam thing when he asked me, "Was there a guy named Ned Yost there?" I told him there was, and he told me that this guy was staying at his house! Ned Yost (I think this is the right name) is a church planter from Indonesia.

All that said, I've noticed a movement going on. God is moving powerfully in small communities and house churches. Its so exciting.


Anonymous said...

And in big ones too!

Stephanie said...

Dave Gschwend is an awesome man! His capability for vision is astounding. I believe he sees things with God's eyes.

I love that you felt compelled to mention "except Antartica". You are a big picture guy with an eye for detail.

Brent Kompelien said...

You're right Bill (or should I reveal you're real name?). I think our favorite reverend would agree.

Brent Kompelien said...


Dave was the interim pastor for my church a few months ago. I loved talking with him and hearing what he's doing. He really kicks butt from the lecturn too.

And thanks for noticing that I'm a detail person. Its kinda funny because I mispelled "your" in my reply to Bill, and I almost deleted the comment so I could spell it right. Of course, thats pushing the boundary of OCD.

Stephanie said...

Dave G was the pastor at my church when I first started attending. He is amazing up front. He also spoke at a couples retreat with his wife this past year for our church. It was REALLY amazing.

I have OCDs too. I have serious sock issues. My husband thinks it's very funny.