Thursday, October 19, 2006


I've had a revelation today. (Maybe this isn't new to some people, but for some reason it just clicked today) I was thinking about the effectiveness of imagery and metaphors. I've come to realize that there is something special about imagery. It seems to be the language that speaks most effectively to our heart.

Let me explain. When you read a book and the author writes without using metaphors and imagery, the book seems so dull; like it has no life. But when the author uses imagery, you can almost close your eyes and become a part of the story. The same goes for music. Music without imagery is considered to lack creativity and does not effectively communicate its message. Heck, poetry is the same way. Now, what about scripture? It is written in a way that uses images, metaphors, and parables.

So, where is the revelation you say? Well...

The Jewish traditions all were tangible things that allowed the people to understand God through visuals, touching, and tasteing. Today, we take communion which allows us to taste and smell the body and blood of Christ (Figurativiely of course). But that's my point! God uses elements in creation to allow us to sense Him. Its all imagery and metaphors. These are how we understand God.

But the metaphors, imagery, and senses will never allow us to completely understand God. Its just the closest thing we can get to knowing Him.

So. What bearing does this have in the universe? Why are human being built this way? What spiritual significance does this have?

My brain hurts.

-By the way, this picture has nothing to do with this post. I just thought you might enjoy it. (Yes, that is a cat flying out of that raft)

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