Sunday, May 07, 2006

Its Late

Today I have become overwhelmed with my ignorance. Let me explain, today I hung out with a great friend of mine, Robbie Ernst, and we had a lengthy conversation about everything from book to politics to gay marriage to music. We covered all the bases. He expressed to me that he felt he could never achieve the level of knowledge he desired. There just simply isn't enough time in a week to live life and catch up on the books he's been meaning to read. I suddenly felt the same way. I have been so busy with school and work that I've forgotten to really latch onto one thing that I love: learning, sharing, and exploring literature (namely the Bible). I've got so much to learn and so little time. Basically, I desire to seek a better understanding of my faith through a dynamic knowledge of the world and Christianity. I just need to figure out how to create a 26 hour day. Maybe, I could just change my priorities. Just a thought.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great thoughts, Brent. I know that the 26 hour day isn't the answer......all we would do is fill it full too. Rethinking priorities is the only way off of the treadmill.