Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Touching Story

A professor of mine helped publish this video about his mother and aunt who are 95 years old. This is a great story about two people who are deeply moved by the election of Barack Obama. Check it out here.

1 comment:

Dan Martin said...

Interesting video, Brent. My Dad wrote me the other day to say that he had just been talking on the phone to my 99-year-old Grandma (his mom) on the phone, and he said he had not heard her sound so "pumped" (his word) in years. She was truly excited that Obama had won, and Dad didn't even think she paid that much attention to politics.

My aunt from the other side--Mom's sister, wrote about how she remembered that when she was a child, the black housekeeper who came once a week to clean (and whom both my Mom and my aunt adored), had to eat her lunch in the kitchen when the family sat down to eat in the dining room. She, too, was elated to see the change that has come.

And my uncle wrote about his feelings walking on the same streets in D.C. that were burning and rioting in 1968 when Dr. King was murdered, and seeing the celebration on those same streets on Nov. 4, 2008.

We're not done changing, but some good things are happening!