Thursday, October 23, 2008

Early Christians

I just ordered a book on-line that I have wanted to read for months:

The Early Christians: In Their Own Words published by the Society of Brethren. I have heard so much about this particular book. I'm so excited to read the writings of these early Christians.

Also, in my excitement I checked out two books from the MLK Library at SJSU: Documents in Early Christianity and Justin Martyr. These are great so far.


robbie said...

Is that the one compiled by Eberhard Arnold? Is it being re-published? If it is then you are going to love it. There is some great stuff in there. When I bought it it was out of print so I got a used one through amazon that is all warped and stuff.

I love reading those who were at least a little closer to the time Jesus was around. We have the scriptures which is wonderful but it is great to kind of see how some of these things were actually practiced and initially interpreted.

I will let you borrow another book I have called "The Early Christian Attitude to War". It is similar in that it is mostly made up of source material from the first few centuries, but it is obviously more topically focused.

Brent Kompelien said...

I think it's the same book, but not sure. It should be interesting since Claiborne especially used this text in his books.