Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I just listened to a podcast by Brian McLaren when we taught at Mars Hill Bible Church in G-Rap, Michigan. There are a few points I want to make echoing his lesson. He spoke of stories that people adhere themselves to. These stories have been portrayed throughout history and we experience them now. Stories such as the domination story, the victimization story, the consumption story, or the isolation story are ways in which we try to either maintain power, retaliate at an oppressor, legitimize our selfish lifestyle, or retreat from the chaos of this world.

In history, people have chosen one of these stories to live by. Here are some examples:
-Power/Domination Story: "If we control everyone else, then we will be safe"
-Victimization Story: "If people would only realize the suffering we have gone through."
-Consumption Story: "If I just had that house, that car, or that tech gadget, I would be happy."
-Isolation Story: "If we stay away from all the bad stuff in the world, then we will be ok"

These are only a few of the "stories" McLaren spoke of. Essentially, he attempted to boil down different worldviews. Here is the important part: American Christians have co-opted Jesus to support their "story". Jesus with a machine gun, televangelism, Christian radio, Christian products, liberation theology, and many other examples.Instead of Christians embodying a new life in Jesus, we use Jesus to legitimize our selfish and misguided agenda. Jesus taught a different message.

The American Church is entrenched in an invasive culture that is constantly influencing us toward different stories. Advertisements, political platforms, friends and family, school, and many other influences draw us away from a new perspective and new life in Jesus. We mix messages and "stories" together causing explosive reactions. Jesus becomes militant, discipleship becomes book-smarts, and evangelism becomes judgement.

If you want to listen to this podcast, click here.

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