Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Headache - Hope

I'm getting a headache (figuratively) from some of the things going on in my church community. Some of the issues I've been advocating for, such as turning our focus outward and setting a missional priority, have been deflated. Recently, I have become frustrated by so many missed opportunities to reach people, while we make things more comfortable for the people who are already Christians. So often, we've been taught to place harmony and comfort as a priority over transformation, healing, and dealing with the tough questions.

I'm kinda fed up with the notion of "if we build it, they will come" mentality. It may work in other regions, but the Bay Area does not have a community that is used to church culture. They are not inclined to show up early on Sunday morning and stay for 3 hours. We need to ask some different questions.

Basically, I'm getting a headache from beating my head against the wall with some of this stuff. I want to see transformation, life change, redemption, and humility. I do think there is hope though. Our college group is trying some new things. We are doing something called "Recre8" this year. Basically, on Sunday mornings our college students will be involved in sub-groups that have specific action plans. Each group will spend the morning working out details of their projects. These action-oriented groups will be putting into practice our faith by focusing our strengths, talents, and skills toward a specific purpose based on a way we want to reach people with the love of Jesus. We are living out the gospel.


Anonymous said...

what exactly are you advocating for? i know you said mission things, like what? it's cool that your college group is on fire for God. - anna.

Brent Kompelien said...

How do I communicate these ideas in such a limited medium such as this?......

-Examining how our purchases, actions, and worldview affects how we treat other people; namely the less-fortunate in society.

-Getting serious about reaching the demographic of 16-30.

-Understanding that we have neglected some of the important things of being The Church: caring for the poor, seeking out hurting and broken people, and pioneering justice and social responsibility.

-Embracing change and investing in building God's Kingdom here, now.

-Going deeper on issues that we tend to mask. For example: violence, lack of self-worth, feeling like a failure, racism, sexism, and other life issues. Jesus died to redeem us from these things. There is life, love, and hope for people.

These are just a few things, and they are not necessarily directed at my church community. These are issues that The Church struggles to grasp.

Anonymous said...

those are some great things to strive for. and i agree most churches tend to struggle with those things. getting out of the comfort box isn't fun. i hope you can get somethings going though! i have no idea why but i was thinking of Mark Schultz as i was reading this. i love his music, He's My Son makes me tear up everytime... - anna.