Thursday, October 11, 2007


Wow, I didn't realize that I haven't posted on my blog since Sept. 23. I think I reached my limit of things to do this semester. Here's a little life update:

-I just finished leading our Men's Retreat for Hillside Church (I hate the name "Men's Retreat", it should be called something else). This is a weekend camp-like event for the men of our church. There were 140 guys and it went very well. I was able to have a lot of influence in the theme and lessons. I hand picked the seminars and told the main speaker what topics I wanted him to talk about. The theme was "Passion". We dove into topics like the priesthood of all believers, being a minister, postmodernism, Kingdom business, and using your passions to establish God's Kingdom. These are all topics that I thought might be touchy subjects, but it was well received. The weekend has started some great discussion about missional church.

-I have been tutoring 4th and 6th graders at the Farm Drive Center twice a week. These kids are great, but they can be hard to deal with sometimes. (If you can, pray for one boy named Saul, he is having some trouble at home and he really needs a big brother/dad figure)

-I have been overwhelmed with work lately. The 2 weeks before the men's weekend I was leading, I was bombarded with a huge project. Then this week I was asked to do twice my usual workload. At the same time, my range-finder broke. (That is my most important piece of equipment) Bummer.

-My Tuesday small group started. We're studying The Secret Message of Jesus. So far, the guys are excited and we've had some great discussions.

-I got the new iPod Touch for my birthday. I could never afford something like that by myself, so I pooled together all my birthday money and bought one.

-I've been writing some music lately. I've got a couple songs, but they're no where near finished. I need to work on lyrics. I can write the music part easier than the lyric part. I just need to write more anything.

-I'm getting excited about seeing Rob Bell on November 12. Sarah and I will be flying back from Texas that day. We are going to see my grandparents for the weekend. I need a vacation.

By the way, I love David Bazan.